The Untold Story of the Greatest Crypto Project Ever

If you only clicked on the post to tell me crypto sucks let me disappoint - crypto in this case stands for cryptography, as it is for a long time before shitcoins came into existence.

Many of you might have read Paul Rosenberg's amazing A lodging of wayfaring men. Some of you might even know that Max Hillebrand recently created an audiobook version of it.

But there is a story that predates that book, a real story that probably served as an inspiration for A lodging of wayfaring men. That story is called The Untold Story of the Greatest Crypto Project Ever. If you are too cheap to buy it (you should support Paul, he is a legend!) there is a way to read it free as it was published as blog posts.

t took a bit to dig them up since the originals on his blog are not available anymore but I think the story is too inspiring not to be shared.

Here they are: Introduction , Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6.

This story is a great starting point to dig further into people involved and their cypherpunk and anarhocapitalist ideas from the 90s. Maybe more on that in another post.